Christian Hebel at Young Arts Master Class
On April 3, 2014, Christian Hebel taught a master class at the Baryshnikov Arts Center in NYC for the musicians of National YoungArts Foundation, after which he posted on Twitter:
Photo by Christian Hebel
Had such a great time teaching a master class for the talented musicians of @YoungArts. You guys are going places!
Christian is a Master Teacher for YoungArts. The National YoungArts Foundation identifies and supports the next generation of artists, and contributes to the cultural vitality of the nation by investing in the artistic development of talented young artists in the literary, performing, visual and design arts. YoungArts provides emerging artists (ages 15-18 or grades 10-12) with life-changing experiences with renowned mentors, access to significant scholarships, national recognition, and other opportunities throughout their careers to help ensure that the nation’s most outstanding young artists are encouraged to pursue careers in the arts. Support is offered in ten artistic disciplines: cinematic arts, dance, design arts, jazz, music, photography, theater, visual arts, voice and writing.
For more information on Young Arts, click here